Friday, July 30, 2010


Physical and Chemical Properties of Ricin

Castor Bean Plant

Scientific name:
Ricinnus Communis.


Planted in:
Warm climates country

Maximum Height:
12 feet

The physical properties of Ricin:

  • Tasteless
  • Water soluble
  • Stable under high and cold temperature.
  • No specific boiling and cooling point
  • Exist as powder, a mist or pallet

Some of the people will plant castor bean plants as outdoor plants. Ricin is a poison which can extracted from castor beans.. Ricin cannot be absorbed through human skin because the protein of ricin is too large. Ricin is a heterodimeric protein toxin. Semi-lethal dose of 7-10 ยต g / kg. A subunit RTA (molecular weight 32,000), and the B subunit RTB (molecular weight 34,000) composition by two disulfide bonds (-S-S-) connection.

One of the most toxic biological agents is ricin and it is known as-- a Category B bioterrorism agent and a Schedule 1 chemical warfare agent. According to reported cases, human being does not really know the effects of ricin poisoning. Most cases are human being directly eat and chew the castor beans. Compare to inhalation and injection, ricin is less toxic by the oral route but this does not mean human being will not die after eat castor bean. Castor bean waste can cause the workers in castor oil processing plants from getting dermal or respiratory symptoms.

500 micrograms of ricin can lead people to die!!!


Every year, there are about 1 million tons of castor beans are being processed from global country. Castor oil can use it as laxative, medical purgative and industrial lubricant. The main thing is there is zero ricin in castor oil.

Castor beans can be differentiating into two parts:

  • Ricin
  • Non-ricin

Inside the ricin contains resin portion while inside the non-ricin contains oil portion. Therefore, this two parts will be separated out during the preparation of castor oil. Although ricin is very toxic, it has widely used in medication; this is because scientist has proven that ricin can inhibit tumor growth, therefore, ricin is allowed to use in medication. For examples, doctor use ricin in bone marrow transplant or use it to kill cancer cells.

How Is Ricin Used as a Poison?

Ricin is highly toxic human being may die if inhaled, injected or eaten too much ricin. Because it is easily to dissolve, so it may add to a drink without the realization of human being. Ricin cannot penetrate human's skin; therefore, simply getting ricin or touching ricin will not cause poisoning and dying.

What are the symptoms of Ricin?

Symptoms will show out after few hours exposure to ricin. Different way exposure to ricin will have different symptoms. There have three ways from getting ricin: Inhalation, Ingestion and Injection.

Inhalation might cause:

  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea (getting ricin from the air)
  • Lungs will be swallowed (fluid would accumulate in the lungs)
  • The blood pressure in human body will drop
  • Respiratory failure

Ingestion might cause:

  • Vomiting
  • Cramping
  • Bloody diarrhea ( accidentally eating or drinking ricin)
  • Stomach, small intestines bleeding
  • Kidneys, spleen and liver malfunction

Injection might cause:

  • Pain in the muscles, lymph nodes (near the site of the injection)
  • Victim would die because internal bleeding ( internal organ malfunction)

How does ricin affect our body

Ricin has two protein sub-units: A subunit (RTA) – highly efficient N-glycosidase (kcat/ Km 10^7 M^-1 s^-1) and B subunit (RTB) which are linked together by chemically bond. After ricin get into human body, the A subunit RTA combine with a ribosome and prevent the cell to make new proteins. At the same time, the B subunit (RTB) is a lectin which binds enters cell and drag the RTA subunit with it. Proteins which have the sugar galactose bind with the RTB and works together.

Once the toxin is pulled in by the cell, the toxin will target to ribosomes. The ricin will turn off or inability protein synthesis. Cells need proteins to survive and reproduce; therefore, when the protein synthesis is stopped by ricin, the cells will be damage and died.

Step to prevent from Ricin:

  • Move away from the location of the poison, if you believe you have been exposed to ricin.
  • Seek doctor immediately.
  • Remove out your clothing.
  • Cut your cloth by sciccors, try to not pull it over your head in order to minimize exposure of ricin.
  • Take out contact lenses from your eyes.
  • Wash your body immediately with soap and water.


Reference Lists


Sarin [(CH3)2CHO]CH3P(O)F is an organophosphorus compound, which is used as chemical weapon. Sarin was first produced by German scientists in 1938. It have been used as chemical weapons of choice since World War II. It is a colourless, odourless liquid which evaporates at room temperature. Sarin possess the typical organophosphate characteristics of stability, high toxicity, and is an easily dispersed agent that acts extremely quickly when absorbed through the skin or inhaled.

Sarin acts by interfering with cholinesterase, a chemical that transmits impulses from one nerve cell to the next. Sarin is estimated to be over 500 times more toxic than cyanide. Sarin was developed by the Nazis during World War II. In 1995 it was used by Aum Shinri Kyo, a Japanese religious sect, in a terrorist attack in the Tokyo subway, killing eight people and injuring thousands.

Tokyo Sarin Attack

Sarin is the most volatile of the nerve agents, which evaporate easily and quickly. However, it also breaks down very quickly, having a short life of only a few weeks. Sarin is prepared from methylphosphonyl difluoride and a mixture of isopropyl alcohol. Isopropylamine is added to neutralize the hydrogen fluoride generated during this alcoholysis reaction. As a binary chemical weapon, it can be generated in situ by this same reaction.

CH3P(O)F2 + (CH3)2CHOH → [(CH3)2CHO]CH3P(O)F + HF

People may not know that they were exposed because sarin has no odor. People can be exposed to the vapor even if they do not come in contact with the liquid form of sarin. Symptoms which appear within moments of exposure :

o Runny nose

o Watery eyes

o Small, pinpoint pupils

o Eye pain

o Blurred vision

o Drooling and excessive sweating

o Cough

o Chest tightness

o Rapid breathing

o Diarrhea

o Increased urination

o Confusion

o Drowsiness

o Weakness

o Headache

o Nausea, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain

o Slow or fast heart rate

o Low or high blood pressure

Overexpose to sarin may results harmful health effect:

o Loss of consciousness

o Convulsions

o Paralysis

o Respiratory failure possibly leading to death

Inhalation: Workers & soldiers must wear on standard nuclear-chemical-biological suit protecting every part of the human body. When sarin gas is inhaled, hold breath until respiratory protective mask is donned. If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration. Do not use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when facial contamination exists. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. Seek medical attention immediately.

Eye contact: Immediately wash your eyes with water. then put on respiratory protective mask.

Skin contact: Immediately wash contaminated skin with soap ,10% sodium carbonate solution, or 5% liquid household bleach. Clothes and the suit pose a biohazard and must be carefully disposed.

Ingestion: Seek for medical attention immediately




Have u ever heard about phosgene before? Phosgene is a chemical used to make plastics and pesticides. At room temperature (70°F), phosgene is a poisonous gas. With cooling and pressure, phosgene gas can be changed into a liquid so that it can be shipped and stored. When liquid phosgene is released, it quickly turns into a gas that stays close to the ground and spreads rapidly.

Phosgene gas may appear colorless or as a white to pale yellow cloud. At low level of concentrations, it has a pleasant odor of newly mown hay or green corn, but its odor may not be noticed by all people. At high level of concentrations, the odor may be strong and unpleasant.

Phosgene was used during World War I as a choking (pulmonary) agent. Among the chemicals used in the war, phosgene was responsible for the large majority of deaths.


Molecular formula: CCl2O

Appearance: colourless gas

Melting point: -118 C
Boiling point: 8.2 C
Vapour density: 3.48 (air = 1)
Vapour pressure: 22.6 psi at 20 C
Density (g cm-3): 1.37
Water solubility: decomposes
Stability: Stable. Incompatible with water, ammonia, primary amines, alkalies, active metals.

Toxicology: Highly toxic. Severe poison. Inhalation may be fatal. Odour does not give sufficient warning of lethal concentrations. Symptoms may be delayed up to 24 hours. Concentrations down to levels below 1 ppm may be harmful. Severe eye and skin irritant. Corrosive - may cause burns. Decomposes to further toxic compounds in the presence of water.

Where phosgene is found and how it is used?

Phosgene is not found naturally in the environment. Phosgene is used in industry to produce many other chemicals such as pesticides. Phosgene can be formed when chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds are exposed to high temperatures. Chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds are substances sometimes used or created in industry that contain the elements chlorine, hydrogen, and carbon. The vapors of chlorinated solvents exposed to high temperatures have been known to produce phosgene. Chlorinated solvents are chlorine-containing chemicals that are typically used in industrial processes to dissolve or clean other materials, such as in paint stripping, metal cleaning, and dry cleaning. Phosgene gas is heavier than air, so it would be more likely found in low-lying areas.

How people are exposed to phosgene?

People's risk for exposure depends on how close they are to the place where the phosgene was released. If phosgene gas is released into the air, people may be exposed through skin contact or eye contact. They may also be exposed by breathing air that contains phosgene. If phosgene liquid is released into water, people may be exposed by touching or drinking water that contains phosgene. If phosgene liquid comes into contact with food, people may be exposed by eating the contaminated food.

Phosgene as a weapon: Phosgene can be an “agent of opportunity.” This means that someone could explode the vehicle of transportation (truck, train) that is being used to ship the chemical, or destroy tanks that store the chemical. Phosgene would then be released into the air.

Signs and symptoms?

During or immediately after exposure to dangerous concentrations of phosgene, the following signs and symptoms may develop:

· Coughing

· Burning sensation in the throat and eyes

· Watery eyes

· Blurred vision

· Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

· Nausea and vomiting

· Skin contact can result in lesions similar to those from frostbite or burns

Following exposure to high concentrations of phosgene, a person may develop fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema) within 2 to 6 hours. Exposure to phosgene may cause delayed effects that may not be apparent for up to 48 hours after exposure, even if the person feels better or appears well following removal from exposure. Therefore, people who have been exposed to phosgene should be monitored for 48 hours afterward. Delayed effects that can appear for up to 48 hours include the following:

· Difficulty breathing

· Coughing up white to pink-tinged fluid (a sign of pulmonary edema)

· Low blood pressure

· Heart failure

Treatment for phosgene?

Prevention of illness after contact: Leave the area where the phosgene was released and move to fresh air.

Remove clothing.

§ Quickly take off clothing that may have phosgene on it. If possible, any clothing that has to be pulled over the head should be cut off the body instead so the chemical does not get near the eyes, mouth or nose. If helping other people remove their clothing, try to avoid touching any contaminated areas.

Wash affected areas.

§ As quickly as possible, wash any phosgene from the skin with lots of soap and water.

§ If the eyes are burning or vision is blurred, rinse your eyes with plain water for 10 to 15 minutes.

§ If contact lenses are worn, remove them and put them with the contaminated clothing. Do not put the contacts back in. If eyeglasses are worn, wash them with soap and water. Eyeglasses can be put back on after they are washed.

§ If you are wearing jewelry that you can wash with soap and water, wash it and put it back on. If it cannot be washed, put it with the contaminated clothing.

Discard contaminated items.

§ Place the clothing and any other contaminated items inside a plastic bag. Avoid touching contaminated areas of the clothing. If you can't avoid touching contaminated areas, or you aren't sure where the contaminated areas are, wear rubber gloves or use tongs, sticks or similar objects. Anything that touches the contaminated clothing should also be placed in the bag.

§ Seal the bag, and then seal that bag inside another plastic bag.

§ Call the local county health department right away. (Visit for a listing of all county health departments in Illinois or check your local phone book.)

§ When the local or state health department or emergency personnel arrive, tell them what you did with your clothes. The health department or emergency personnel will arrange for further disposal. Do not handle the plastic bags yourself.

If someone has swallowed phosgene, do not make the person vomit or give fluids to drink. Seek medical attention right away.

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