Physical and Chemical Properties of Ricin
Castor Bean Plant
Scientific name:
Ricinnus Communis.
Planted in:
Warm climates country
Maximum Height:
12 feet
The physical properties of Ricin:
- Tasteless
- Water soluble
- Stable under high and cold temperature.
- No specific boiling and cooling point
- Exist as powder, a mist or pallet
Some of the people will plant castor bean plants as outdoor plants. Ricin is a poison which can extracted from castor beans.. Ricin cannot be absorbed through human skin because the protein of ricin is too large. Ricin is a heterodimeric protein toxin. Semi-lethal dose of 7-10 ยต g / kg. A subunit RTA (molecular weight 32,000), and the B subunit RTB (molecular weight 34,000) composition by two disulfide bonds (-S-S-) connection.
One of the most toxic biological agents is ricin and it is known as-- a Category B bioterrorism agent and a Schedule 1 chemical warfare agent. According to reported cases, human being does not really know the effects of ricin poisoning. Most cases are human being directly eat and chew the castor beans. Compare to inhalation and injection, ricin is less toxic by the oral route but this does not mean human being will not die after eat castor bean. Castor bean waste can cause the workers in castor oil processing plants from getting dermal or respiratory symptoms.
500 micrograms of ricin can lead people to die!!!
Every year, there are about 1 million tons of castor beans are being processed from global country. Castor oil can use it as laxative, medical purgative and industrial lubricant. The main thing is there is zero ricin in castor oil.
Castor beans can be differentiating into two parts:
- Ricin
- Non-ricin
Inside the ricin contains resin portion while inside the non-ricin contains oil portion. Therefore, this two parts will be separated out during the preparation of castor oil. Although ricin is very toxic, it has widely used in medication; this is because scientist has proven that ricin can inhibit tumor growth, therefore, ricin is allowed to use in medication. For examples, doctor use ricin in bone marrow transplant or use it to kill cancer cells.
How Is Ricin Used as a Poison?
Ricin is highly toxic human being may die if inhaled, injected or eaten too much ricin. Because it is easily to dissolve, so it may add to a drink without the realization of human being. Ricin cannot penetrate human's skin; therefore, simply getting ricin or touching ricin will not cause poisoning and dying.
What are the symptoms of Ricin?
Symptoms will show out after few hours exposure to ricin. Different way exposure to ricin will have different symptoms. There have three ways from getting ricin: Inhalation, Ingestion and Injection.
Inhalation might cause:
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Nausea (getting ricin from the air)
- Lungs will be swallowed (fluid would accumulate in the lungs)
- The blood pressure in human body will drop
- Respiratory failure
Ingestion might cause:
- Vomiting
- Cramping
- Bloody diarrhea ( accidentally eating or drinking ricin)
- Stomach, small intestines bleeding
- Kidneys, spleen and liver malfunction
Injection might cause:
- Pain in the muscles, lymph nodes (near the site of the injection)
- Victim would die because internal bleeding ( internal organ malfunction)
How does ricin affect our body
Ricin has two protein sub-units: A subunit (RTA) – highly efficient N-glycosidase (kcat/ Km 10^7 M^-1 s^-1) and B subunit (RTB) which are linked together by chemically bond. After ricin get into human body, the A subunit RTA combine with a ribosome and prevent the cell to make new proteins. At the same time, the B subunit (RTB) is a lectin which binds enters cell and drag the RTA subunit with it. Proteins which have the sugar galactose bind with the RTB and works together.
Once the toxin is pulled in by the cell, the toxin will target to ribosomes. The ricin will turn off or inability protein synthesis. Cells need proteins to survive and reproduce; therefore, when the protein synthesis is stopped by ricin, the cells will be damage and died.
Step to prevent from Ricin:
- Move away from the location of the poison, if you believe you have been exposed to ricin.
- Seek doctor immediately.
- Remove out your clothing.
- Cut your cloth by sciccors, try to not pull it over your head in order to minimize exposure of ricin.
- Take out contact lenses from your eyes.
- Wash your body immediately with soap and water.
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